Prompt:  Upload your favorite picture and talk about it on your blog. Answer the who/what/when/where/why of the subject matter and explain why it is your favorite.

CAHILL, Joseph CAHILL & Jean Marie MILLER Photo 025

I have many favorite photos, so it’s hard to choose.

This photo is of my mom and dad taken on the Chicago Bears Super Bowl cruise in March 1986.  It’s one of the last photos that I have of my dad before he died in 1989.

If I remember correctly, this was the only cruise either of my parents had taken, so it was a unique trip for them, not to mention rubbing shoulders with the entire Bears team and staff.

My dad was doing a lot pf photography on the cruise.  He also became good friends with Steve Kazor, who at the time was the Special Teams Coach.  As a result of these two things, my dad got season tickets; great seats, rows 1-3 in the South end zone.  Rain or shine, sleet or snow, my dad was there for every game until he died.