1940ProjectBadge The 1940 census is a big deal right now, especially among genealogists.  I’ve spent my fair share of time this week looking for my family and have indexed at least one census sheet per day.  While many genealogists are aware of the 1940 census release, and have probably accessed the digital images over the last week, some may not be aware of a great resource, The 1940 US Census Community Project Blog.

The 1940 US Census Community Project Blog has all sorts of articles, such as information on the indexing project, fun discoveries from the 1940 census, and interesting tidbits about the 1940s era.  The project is also running weekly contests and all contest details are posted to the blog.

So if you want to learn more and stay up-to-date, be sure to subscribe to the The 1940 US Census Community Project Blog.  And don’t forget to share the blog URL (https://the1940census.com/blog) with your genealogy friends and society members.

Disclaimer:  As part of the1940census.com ambassador program this blog post enters me into a drawing for an iPad.