Safer at Home Webinar Blog

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With so many of us practicing social distancing and staying safe at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, now’s a good time to catch up on some genealogy education. Pick up a magazine or journal from your never-ending stack, select a book from your ever-growing library, or watch a webinar. I plan to utilize my Legacy Family Tree Webinars subscription and try to get through some of the webinars I marked as “watch later.”

As I put that plan in action, I’m reminded of the many webinars available in this vast collection. A few of them stick out in my mind, so I thought I’d share my top seven favorites. You will need a Legacy Family Tree Webinars subscription to view all but one of these.

  1. Researching Your German Ancestors , by Kory Meyerink
  2. Power Platting: Technology Tools to Create Pictures from Property Descriptions, by Chris Staats
  3. Kinship Determination: From Generation to Generation, by Judy G. Russell (currently, this webinar is available for free)
  4. Organizing Your DNA Results (updated!), by Diahan Southard (I watched the original one back in 2015, I imagine the updated version is just as good)
  5. Analyzing Documents Sparks Ideas for Further Research, by Angela Packer McGhie
  6. How I Built My Own Brick Wall, by Rebecca Whitman Koford
  7. The Germanic French: Researching Alsatian and Lorrainian Families, by John Philip Colletta

What about you? Do you have any favorites? Please share them in the comments!

BONUS: For the month of April, Legacy Family Tree Webinars is offering one FREE webinar each day. Be sure to view the lineup and get them on your calendar!

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Safer at Home: Watch a Genealogy Webinar