It’s now June, so I thought I’d take a look at my genealogy New Year’s resolutions for 2009 and see how I’m doing.

I resolved to…

Accept that try as I might, I cannot always find the answer.

I have accepted this in general, but I have, and still will stumble with this.

Learn more about the lives of my ancestors, focusing more on the how and why, not just the who, what, when, and where.

My research has been a little slow the past several of months.  I’ve had some great finds along the way, but no huge discoveries.  Just haven’t had a lot of time to “learn” more.

Blog more, by sharing my ancestors’ stories and helping fellow family historians.

Been doing this!

Transcribe more records than I did in 2008.

Really been doing this!  Since becoming an official DAR member in late April, I’ve probably transcribed more records in one month than I did all of last year.  Have also done some work for FamilySearch.

Make a decision as to what level I want to take genealogy to (the family historian? a professional? another direction?) and make a plan for how to get there.

Still wrestling with this.  People always say, “do what you love,” and I do love this.  I guess I’m just not sure if I could make a living out of it.  Any words of advice??