n56633445228_4110 Becky at kinexxions is hosting the 65th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy.  The topic:

The Happy Dance. The Joy of Genealogy. Almost everyone has experienced it. Tell us about the first time, or the last time, or the best time. What event, what document, what special find has caused you to stand up and cheer, to go crazy with joy? If you haven’t ever done the Happy Dance, tell us what you think it would take for you to do so.

I can’t say that I’ve ever really gotten up to shake my booty when bust down a brick wall or find something interesting.  But I have had those wonderful moments of joy, some of which are fairly recent that I have already blogged about.  So what do you say, how about a carnival within a carnival?  Here’s a tour of posts I’ve written that have brought me the joy of genealogy.

Finding Tessie – While digging around, I found that “family friend” Tessie, was actually family!  You can read more about it here, here, and here.

The Joys of Facebook & Geneablogging – I never would have thought that Facebook and geneablogging would have yielded research results let alone two distant cousins.  You can check out that story here.

He’s My Cousin?!?! – Not only did I find cousins through Facebook and blogging, but I found out that a friend of mine was my 4th cousin!  You can read that story here.

Still More Cousins – Okay, these cousins I knew about.  And although there was no genealogy find per se, the mere fact that we are communicating after 10+ years was enough for me to smile, and yes, for this one, I did get up and dance.  You can read that story here.

Well, that’s all folks!