I decided to take a break from research today, due in part to this nagging pain in the neck (no literally, I pulled a muscle).  I’m burnt out, I think, or maybe it’s the fantastic pain meds and muscle relaxers, I’m not sure.  But anyway, I decided to explore the new genealogy tool created by our very own Thomas MacEntee.

Gene@pedia is a genealogy wiki.  According to the description, it’s:

Everything you ever wanted to know about blogging and genealogy but were afraid to ask! Gene@pedia is a communal information resource directory for the genealogy community that anyone can edit!

So I explored the few pages that were available and thought I’d jump onboard.  I created an account, verified my email address, and got to work.  Mind you, this is the first of my wiki experiences, and did I mention the pain meds and muscle relaxers?

Anyway, I started off by creating a “people” page for myself, which is a page that lets you “enter information about yourself with links to your blogs, your websites, your projects and more. There’s also a place to include your surnames so we can see what family lines you are researching.”

I then created “blog” pages for each of my blogs:  GenBlog, Who Will Tell Their Stories?, The Chicagoland Graveyard Rabbit, and The Graveyard Rabbit of Bloomington-Normal, Illinois.  Blog pages let you “market your blog to others interested in genealogy and family history.”

And finally, on behalf of my fellow Graveyard Rabbits, I created an “association” page for the Association of Graveyard Rabbits as another avenue for generating interest and boosting membership.

At first I struggled with inputting information, being a newbie to this whole wiki thing.  The coding is different than HTML, but once I caught on, it was smooth sailing.

If you haven’t already, get over to the site and check it out.  And if you’re up for it, create some pages!!