GIA Coming Soon Banner

You may recall from a post in March that I was planning a series of educational genealogy books. Well, the first one (on using digital books for genealogy) will come out in Winter 2020/2021. Woohoo!

BUT, I’ve also decided to develop digital courses—the first one will focus on research planning and will be released later this year. Yahoo!!

Genealogy In Action was going to be the name for my book series, but I decided it was perfect for a whole range of education products that will include books, guides, courses, and maybe some other things along the way. The idea is to provide education that will inspire you to take action, because without action, there is no progress. And without progress, there is no solving those long-standing family mysteries!

So, how can you stay in the loop?

First, head to the Genealogy In Action website, where you can subscribe to my email list for updates and exclusive offers. You’ll also receive my monthly newsletter Genealogy Quick Tip, as well as some other occasional emails.

Next, you can head over to my new Facebook page and “like” it. Here, I will post updates, as well as helpful tips to get you to take action.