Brass Oak Genealogy Announcement Blog3

Yesterday, I announced to my family, friends, and colleagues on Facebook that I was officially relaunching my genealogy business. Today, I’m making a public announcement.

Last year I began working on restructuring my business. I decided to revamp my service offerings and choose a business name, and have additional plans for the future that I hope to implement later this year.

I’ve been waiting to make this announcement until I had most of the pieces in place, so at the beginning of the year I set a goal to have this done by my birthday (yesterday). I’d gone back and forth for several days as to whether I was going to make this announcement with all the chaos going on in the world. But I decided that there would be no “good time” anytime soon, so here it is.

I am relaunching my genealogy business as Brass Oak Genealogy. I have reduced my service offerings to consultations, editing, and record retrieval. Research projects will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but I am no longer actively promoting this service. Additionally, I plan to start publishing genealogy books; I hope to have one finished later this year.

I am not trying to drum up business with so much uncertainty ahead (although it is welcome). I just wanted to (finally) share some good and uplifting news in these difficult times. Please stay safe.