Prompt:  Document a genealogy event with photos and share in your blog. Show others how much fun your local luncheon can be, or how your genealogy field trip turned into a landslide of books. Don’t forget to get permission before posting photos of others.

On May 2, a group of us cemetery lovers got together in Springfield, Illinois for a little field trip.  I met some great people, and I also got to meet Minda Powers-Douglas and Beth Santore in person,

First up was the Museum of Funeral Customs.  Right now, the museum is only open to group tours. It was a neat place with a variety of exhibits showing the many sides of funerals.

Horse-drawn hearse
Replica of Abraham Lincoln’s coffin
Coffin plates
Widows’ Weeds
Decorative urn

After the museum, we headed next-door to Oak Ridge Cemetery, home of Abraham Lincoln’s tomb.

Lincoln’s Tomb Inside Lincoln’s Tomb
Some of the gang outside Lincoln’s Tomb
Me rubbing Lincoln’s nose
Lincoln’s Tomb
GAR Memorial
Tomb of John R. Tanner, IL Governor

Our last adventure was the Lincoln’s Ghost Tour in downtown Springfield.  It was a neat tour, showing many of the Lincoln sites and filled with history.

Lincoln statue on the Square Lincoln’s home

We had a lot of fun.  Can’t wait to do it again!!