For 26 weeks I will take you on a family history journey through the alphabet, one letter at a time.  I have decided that each post will be educational in nature, focusing on topics related to resources, methodology, tools, etc.  Although the challenge is complete, there are still some people who are finishing up and Alona, the host, is encouraging others to participate anyway.  Additional information on the challenge, can be found at Take the ‘Family History Through the Alphabet’ Challenge

yThis week it’s all about YOU!  You’ve spent countless hours filling in the details of your ancestors, but have you taken the time to record your own details?  I actually did this a few years ago as a departure from research (sometimes you just need a break!!).  I spent some time entering a variety of events into my genealogy database.  In some cases, they were memories.  Other times I had some source of information, such as a diploma or newspaper clipping.  It was a good exercise for me, because as I get older, certain details just seem to fade away.  Fortunately, I captured them, and you should too!

Screenshot of the Chronology view in Legacy for my entry.

Following is a list of event types to consider adding to your own entry in your database:

  • Residences
  • Memberships (fraternity/sorority, scouts, organizations, clubs, etc.)
  • Schooling
  • Event Attendance (weddings, funerals, bridal/baby showers, birthday parties, etc.)
  • Vacations
  • Employment
  • Awards

I even recorded my confirmation, engagement, and my pets (okay, that one may be odd, but hey, they’re part of my family—I promise, they’re not recorded as children!).  My timeline is the most detailed in my database.  Boy, what I wouldn’t give to have these little tidbits for my ancestors.

Your Turn

Have you recorded these kinds of details for yourself?  What about your spouse and children?  Are there any other event types that you record?  If haven’t recorded this type of information, do you think you’ll find an hour or so to add these details to your database?  Please share your thoughts in the comments.