The theme for the 19th edition of Smile for the Camera is:  The Gift.

It is the holiday season and a time for giving. So give Smile readers the gift of sharing, sharing a family photograph. It can be a gift given or received, it can be the gift of talent, it can be the gift of having the photograph itself. The interpretation of gift is yours. Admission is free with every photograph!

With all the Christmas craze, and people vying to get that perfect gift, I thought I’d share a fun little story and photo.

My dad was always a last-minute Christmas shopper…not Black Friday for him.  And by last-minute, I literally mean Christmas Eve.  So, late on 24 December 1983, my dad went to Zayre to purchase the “big” toy of the season, a Cabbage Patch Kid.  He waited all night to get one.  The photo below is me with Grandma Miller and the Cabbage Patch Kid I named Jill.
