I just discovered that you can transfer your autosomal DNA test (done through Ancestry or 23&me) for free…well, sort of.  It looks like they are reducing the price of a transfer kit from $69 to $39, which is great news.  As an incentive, they are allowing people to transfer their results for free.  As a result, you will see the top 20 matches, but note that not all the tools will be active (such as myOrigins).

I’ve been waiting for a good sale on the transfer kit so I could move add my husband’s 23&me results to FTDNA.  A cost of $39 works for me.  Unfortunately, I am unable to transfer my own results because my 23&me test is not version 3.  I was pretty certain this was the case, but because of the free upload, I was able to confirm that without spending a dime.  So if you are unsure about whether you can transfer your 23andme results, now would be the time to try it at no risk!


There is an alternative to spending $39 for the full transfer.  If you can get 4 people to transfer their results to FTDNA using a special link, you get to open up all your results and the tools for free.  Anyone out there wanting to help me out, click here to start the transfer process.


Not wanting to go that route?  That’s okay.  To get started, hurry over to Family Tree DNA, hover over DNA Tests and select Autosomal Transfer


Fill in the info to get started and proceed to upload your raw data (instructions are provided for how to retrieve your data from either Ancestry or 23andme).


I hope to see a lot of people take advantage of this deal.  Good luck and happy hunting!