FGS2013AmbassadorJust received the following email from the Association of Professional Genealogists regarding the Friday luncheon at the Federation of Genealogical Societies 2013 Conference. 

There’s also mention of the APG Annual Meeting and Roundtable.

I’ll be at the luncheon…if anyone wants to dine with me, let me know.

Great news! FGS advises they changed the location of the APG luncheon at the FGS conference in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, to a larger room. If you tried earlier to register and were told it was sold out, you can go back to the FGS website and sign up for the luncheon.

The luncheon will be held on Friday, August 23, with John Philip Colletta, PhD, presenting “The Keepers and I: Tales of Accessing Historical Sources.” The annual APG awards will also be presented at the luncheon.

The Annual Meeting and Roundtable will be held Tuesday evening, August 20, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.; room to be announced.